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Here are 10 tips to help you and your family be prepared for an emergency. 🚨 Create an emergency plan Create an emergency contact list posted in clear view Have a pre-designated place to meet / check in Create an emergency contact in your phone contacts - ICE (In Case of Emergency) Have an emergency Id in your wallet or purse Have an emergency fund (in the bank but also some cash at home too) Keep your important paperwork together in a fireproof container Wear your medical alert ...
Today's the day! Our 1st Christmas in July Event! Click on the link to see the great deals! https://printablesresource.vipmembervault.com/christmas...
Printables are a great way to make some passive income. Whether it is a stand alone product or a compliment to an existing business, printables are very popular. If you are interested in creating printables but do not know where to start, let me help! 1. Think about what you want to create. A printable can be a checklist, game, worksheet, workbook or even an ebook. The ideas are endless. Try and start with one niche. A good place to start would be with holidays or celebrations. 2. Do some ...